I know how the pill works, first it prevents ovulation, but if an egg is released then the facing of the uterus is thickened so the sperm own a difficult time getting through. If the egg and sperm DO meet, however consequently a third action is taken and the fertilized egg is prevented from implant into the uterus. My question is: is near a birth control pill out there that DOES NOT steal this third step (if the egg is fertilized, it is not prevented from implanting) Any help if appreciated. Also, if you could direct me to where on earth you got the information, that would be great!!
Actually, most birth control pills work solely by inhibiting ovulation. Most would not stop a fertilized egg from imlanting. Plan B works by preventing implantation, but it is a much superior dose of hormones than your regular birth control pills. IUD's can also prevent implantation. Most birth control pills on the market aren't powerful satisfactory hormones to stop implantation.
The pill doesn't always work. I be on the pill and got pregnant next to my daughter. I never missed a pill and took them according to directions.
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